We Care For Young and Old


Vereeniging Mediclinic (2009 - 2019)

At this hospital, our dogs visited most of the patient wards twice a month, to provide love, support, and attention in a not so pleasant surrounding. The visits have a calming effect on nervous, stressed and upset patients and they stimulate interaction between staff and patients, and patients with patients. It helps to focus their thoughts on the dogs instead of their problems and also creates a positive morale through association with their own dogs at home.

We have had great response from staff and patients and sometimes we are not sure who is more excited about the dogs.

Unfortunately, the Mediclinic group of hospitals have issued a country-wide directive that therapy dogs are no longer permitted in their facilities. We regret this decision but remember these visits fondly

June Nicholls School For Cerebral Palsy (2009 - 2020)

June Nicholls School for Cerebral Palsy is a private organisation that relies solely on donations and sponsorships from the public. A maximum of 30 children/young adults from the age of 7 to 24 years old, find a stimulating and enriching environment here, and every attempt is made to give them a meaningful place in life. Our dogs assist the caring staff to improve social and communication skills and build confidence, by playing and walking with the patients.

By now, the children eagerly await the dog’s arrival every second Wednesday morning and even the initially most scared ones are cuddling the dogs.

Jeugland Old Age Home (2009 - 2020)

The senior citizens at Jeugland were the first to enjoy the visits of our dogs, in 2009. Our monthly visits are especially targeted at the frail and sickly inhabitants of the center, as well as the Alzheimer patients. Although we visit here only once a month, we have made many friends among the Jeugland people and especially the frail care patients await us with great anticipation.

Vereeniging Magistrate Court

This is a first for South Africa – therapy dogs that support children in court before of after they deliver their testimony of traumatic events. For security reasons we do not publish photos of the children but we can show you how our dogs support the justice system

CANSA Relay For Life Vaal (2009 - 2019)

At the heart of Relay is the opportunity to celebrate cancer survivors, to remember those who have left us, and create awareness about cancer.

Our team has been part of this event since its inception in the Vaal triangle in 2009 and our dogs are proud supporters of patients fighting cancer at Vereeniging Mediclinic

Laurus Laerskool Oudtshoorn

Children who find reading a challenge, read their stories to  our dogs. Reading to dogs helps children overcome their fear of reading because the dog is non-judgemental. They hear themselves reading the story aloud, which helps their understanding and they know they are better than the dogs because Dogs cannot read

ACVV Helen Bellinganhof Versorgingsoord Oudtshoorn

The senior citizens at ACVV Helen Bellinganhof Versorgingsoord were quite surprised when we first visited them with our dogs. But now, we are a welcome distraction in their often lonely days. And even the the staff love it when we come visit, everyone wants a photo with our dogs.